Film of the day...
"Bobby Loves Mangos"
In my free time after finals I have been looking at short films on the internet. Atom films is well worth a look - they have a very large selection. "Bobby loves Mangos" is on there and it's fantastic! Directed by Stuart Acher it has won numerous awards and after convincing a restaurant owner to show it at Sundance it got the attention of critic Roger Ebert. Apparently Tom Cruise got hold of a copy and personally sought out Acher to congratulate him on it.
The film tells the story of an elementary school principle who receives a message telling him about a tragedy which will happen in the near future. He and the secretary must decide what to do... I will tell you no more - it's very clever and full of suspense.
Watch it now
In my free time after finals I have been looking at short films on the internet. Atom films is well worth a look - they have a very large selection. "Bobby loves Mangos" is on there and it's fantastic! Directed by Stuart Acher it has won numerous awards and after convincing a restaurant owner to show it at Sundance it got the attention of critic Roger Ebert. Apparently Tom Cruise got hold of a copy and personally sought out Acher to congratulate him on it.
The film tells the story of an elementary school principle who receives a message telling him about a tragedy which will happen in the near future. He and the secretary must decide what to do... I will tell you no more - it's very clever and full of suspense.
Watch it now
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